Wednesday, May 27, 2009

The Need to Be Useful

As an instructor, I find that some of the stories I want to tell to illustrate a point, are often on the proverbial "tip of my tongue." My intent is to use this blog to capture these stories -- and to welcome others' comments on them.

The inspiration for doing this resulted from an interesting confluence of events. I participated in an online auction, to benefit the local symphony. Doing so, I won lunch with a renowned newspaper columnist. I had a delightful time chatting with him (and by the way, the food was delicious!). When we started talking about how I would like to write more non-academic pieces, he suggested that I begin blogging. Although I could see how the habit of writing would be a good discipline, I was hesitant. As a working mother, I am either working -- or mothering -- and rarely have spare time. Two days later, I was teaching an MBA class, and had several illustrations that escaped me -- I just could not recall the details! As I was reflecting on how the class went, it occurred to me that capturing these stories, i.e., my experiences and current events, would be a USEFUL way to invest the time in blogging.

Thanks for the idea, Gris!